Crime alerts are issued by the UMBC Police to alert the campus community of crimes on or near Campus.
Incident: Robbery
Location: Outside the Performing Arts and Humanities Building (PAHB)
Date/Time: November 9th at approximately 11:30p.m.
On November 10th at approximately 4p.m. an individual not affiliated with the Univeristy reported she was robbed at gunpoint the previous evening outside of the Performing Arts and Humanities Building (PAHB). The victim reported she was approached by a white male, approximately 6 feet in height with a slim build, wearing a black UMBC sweatshirt with “U must be Cinderella” imprinted on the front who demanded her property. The suspect took her property (knapsack, phone, and 2 instruments) and fled in an unknown direction. The victim was not injured.
Individuals with any information about the incident should call the UMBC Police at 410-455-5555.
The UMBC Police provides an escort service for anyone who feels unsafe when walking on or near campus. If you would like an escort please call 410-455-5555. If you observe suspicious activity or behavior, contact the police immediately by calling 410-455-5555.
Stay alert and attuned to people and circumstances around you.
Trust your instincts. They are a natural gift that tells you when something is wrong.
See something, say something!
Paul Dillon
Chief of Police