How can I get hired at a Community College?
Get the insider tips and tricks!
- How might the interview differ from that of a 4-year teaching or research university?
- What factors should you consider in preparing your application materials and teaching demonstration?
- What are some common do's and don'ts of seeking a job at a community college?
This event is supported by and organized through NSF INCLUDES Aspire grant by the Regional Initiative group.
Event Schedule
This online event takes place on Tuesday, November 10 at 12PM - 1:30PM EST
This event is part of the three-part CIRTLCast series "Exploring Careers in Teaching at a Community College," organized through CIRTL and APLU's NSF INCLUDES Aspire grant.
This drop-in, online event is open to the public.
Anyone is welcome to attend, but you must register in order to attend. Once you register, you will have access to the Blackboard Ultra room where this online event will take place.
We strive to be inclusive of anyone interested in participating in our activities. If you have specific accessibility needs, please contact us at in advance so that we may make the necessary accommodations.