Pre-Physician Assistant Society Bakesale and Free Giveaway
Show your support for these aspiring PArtners in Healthcare!
Monday, May 7, 2018 · 11 AM - 2 PM
Come stop by and show your support for the Pre-PA society and purchase one of our baked goods! The Bakesale will be held on Monday 7th, from 11 am to 2 pm. We will be located on Mainstreet (you can find our table right in front of the bookstore).
We will be giving away one free item as an appreciation of your support. Ever seen those fun hammocks students nap on outside on Campus? That student could be you as we are giving one away! It is a brand new two-person portable camping hammock tent equipt with tree straps. So stop by for some goodies and help show your support for the Pre-PA society!
We will be giving away one free item as an appreciation of your support. Ever seen those fun hammocks students nap on outside on Campus? That student could be you as we are giving one away! It is a brand new two-person portable camping hammock tent equipt with tree straps. So stop by for some goodies and help show your support for the Pre-PA society!