Founded in 1999, the Social Sciences Forum brings distinguished social scientists to campus each year to present cutting-edge research on topics of vital interest to the social science community at UMBC and beyond. Lectures are free and open to the public, lasting approximately one hour, followed by Q&A and a reception.
The Center for Social Science Scholarship promotes excellence across the social sciences at UMBC. Spanning disciplines and programs, the Center aims to connect scholars who engage in social scientific study—asking key questions about social life, addressing problems of local and global concern, sharing knowledge about public issues, and connecting research to practice and policy. Guided by the core principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity, we encourage intellectual exchange and cross-cutting dialogue as we strive to advance social progress and equity in ways that are critically relevant not only to UMBC but to our local, national, and global communities. To foster high quality social science inquiry, the Center for Social Science Scholarship offers research and grant support, hosts trainings, promotes campus and community events, and provides opportunity for academic as well as public debate, for the benefit of the university and society.