Part-time Graduate Students: What are the best seminar days?
Please vote and give us your feedback
posted over 13 years ago
Dear Part-time Graduate Students,
The Graduate School at UMBC would like to increase efforts to accommodate part-time students. We want all of our students to have a chance to participate in activities such as workshops, seminars, and special events that focus on graduate student success. In the past, part-time students have advised us that they are able to attend workshops on Friday afternoons because they are able to leave work early. We've learned that some Saturdays also work well. It has been a while since we last asked our part-time students for input. Since this is a new year, and since we have some new graduate programs that include students who are also working full-time, we would like to hear from you.
What day of the week is best for you?
We believe that having an event between 4:00 and 7:00 PM might work, but please give us your feedback by voting and then posting a comment to discuss the best time for an event. This poll will end at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, September 13.
Thank you in advance for your responses.
Kind regards,
Renetta G. Tull, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Development
K. Jill Barr, Assistant Dean for Graduate Enrollment
The Graduate School at UMBC would like to increase efforts to accommodate part-time students. We want all of our students to have a chance to participate in activities such as workshops, seminars, and special events that focus on graduate student success. In the past, part-time students have advised us that they are able to attend workshops on Friday afternoons because they are able to leave work early. We've learned that some Saturdays also work well. It has been a while since we last asked our part-time students for input. Since this is a new year, and since we have some new graduate programs that include students who are also working full-time, we would like to hear from you.
What day of the week is best for you?
We believe that having an event between 4:00 and 7:00 PM might work, but please give us your feedback by voting and then posting a comment to discuss the best time for an event. This poll will end at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, September 13.
Thank you in advance for your responses.
Kind regards,
Renetta G. Tull, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Development
K. Jill Barr, Assistant Dean for Graduate Enrollment