Happy November, Psi Chi!
Today (11/1) marks the first day of Psi Chi's election process this Fall. We are electing the new officers for Spring 2021!
If you are interested in running for a position, please fill out the linked Google Form by Wednesday, November 11th!
Candidate Nominations and Statements Form: https://forms.gle/dy5fjaGjeibA9kDx5
this Google Form, we are collecting the names, position of interest,
and statements for those of you wanting to run for officer positions. As
a reminder: any member can run and no prior experience is needed - we
will show you the ropes!
Attached to this post is a Word Document listing all available officer positions and their responsibilities.
Psi Chi Fall 2020 Election Timeline:
- From 11/01 - 11/11: a Google Form will be sent out through myUMBC/email asking members to nominate themselves as candidates and provide their statements for the election.
From 11/15 - 11/22: The ballot (Google Form) for the election will be sent out through myUMBC/email for everyone to vote!
- New officers will be notified of their positions the week of 11/23!
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Psi Chi E-Board