Monday, May 1, 2017 · 10 AM - 5 PM
UC Plaza and all over campus
Sponsored by Modern Languages, Linguistics & Intercultural Communication (MLLI)
Join us for a day of celebration of our immigrant communities!
May 1st has been historically linked to international workers’ rights. More recently, May Day has served as a national day of action to raise awareness about immigration rights and the need to keep families together as they fight for a better life.
On this May Day, let’s come together as a community to recognize the contributions immigrants make every day to UMBC and our nation.
Students, Staff, Faculty, Service Workers, Administrators: Join us on May 1st, 2017 for a day-long celebration in the plaza in front of the UC.
Come when you can!
Regardless of where we were born, how we look or the language we speak, let’s pledge support to a strong, inclusive, safe UMBC for all.
We will create and share the many ways immigrants contribute to UMBC (and the U.S.).
Action Items:
- Wear red to identify as part of (or in solidarity with) our community of immigrants.
- Bring quotes, art, photos, texts—by immigrants or celebrating immigration—to display on our celebration wall.
- Sign up for a 15-minute time slot to read—a poem, short story or excerpt by your favorite immigrant author; sing; play an instrument; perform—spoken word, monologue, play; or to share your own immigration stories. Additional creative celebratory ideas are welcome too!
- Use #UMBCimmigrants to document and celebrate immigrants’ contributions to our community.
- Participate, celebrate, and experience the beauty of our immigrant communities at UMBC by showing up, bringing your classes, inviting your friends.