The Professional Staff Senate wants to hear from you! We are currently drafting our 2017-2018 Action Plan and would like to know if you have anything you'd like to add or change.
Please submit your comments by Friday, August 4 below, or email us at You may also seek out a senator.
PLEASE NOTE: Submitting feedback is not a guarantee of inclusion in the action plan writing, however, all feedback will be evaluated and considered as PSS finalizes our action plan.
Please submit your comments by Friday, August 4 below, or email us at You may also seek out a senator.
PLEASE NOTE: Submitting feedback is not a guarantee of inclusion in the action plan writing, however, all feedback will be evaluated and considered as PSS finalizes our action plan.
2017-2018 PSS Action Plan
Advocate for hiring and retaining a diverse professional staff throughout UMBC
- Increase awareness of campus affinity groups and partner with interested groups to host discussions and events
- Monitor the implementation of PageUp and act as a resource for feedback for Human Resources
- Enhance and clarify procedures around the exit interview process with Human Resources
- Obtain detailed data from Human Resources that can be used to shape the direction of future action items
Advocate for career-life balance issues for professional staff
- Hold several professional development sessions in conjunction with Human Resources to help educate staff and supervisors on how to successfully approach alternative work arrangement agreements so they are perceived positively by staff and supervisors
- Engage with campus leadership to continue the conversation around the benefits of alternative work arrangement
- Meet with career-life balance professionals at local colleges/universities to learn how our peers are approaching career-life balance on their campuses
- Profile staff using alternative work arrangements through many mediums to market career-life balance successes
- Develop a campaign to encourage career-life balance discussions during PMP conversations
Better define the role of staff in the Strategic Plan implementation process
- Discuss the role of staff in the strategic plan implementation process with campus leadership and advocate for deliberate staff involvement
- Monitor the implementation tracking infrastructure once developed to proactively engage and update staff
Promote healthy office environments and campus communities
- Request PSS representation on UMBC’s Wellness Initiative Team and/or the Healthy Retrievers Initiative Team
Collaborate with Human Resources and other
campus groups (i.e. Campus Climate Committee) to
- offer trainings and resources aiming to empower employees and managers to have civil conversations and manage macroaggressions
- increase the understanding of campus report/response processes through diversifying campus communications
- Partner with Human Relations Office and encourage an annual senate presentation