Is there someone...
- in your department who is doing a superior job?
- on campus who is exceptionally talented and dedicated?
- who is truly outstanding and always there to help solve a problem or take on new or challenging tasks?
- who goes above and beyond to support student success?
- who has made a significant contribution to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in learning or administration?
- who has done stellar work to advance inclusion, multiculturalism, or social justice?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may have a nominee for the...
- UMBC Presidential Staff Awards,
- Board of Regents USM Staff Awards,
- Jakubik Family Endowment Staff Award, or
- Karen L. Wensch Endowment Award for Outstanding Non-Exempt Staff.
Visit for more information on eligibility and the nomination process. Thank you for helping your colleagues receive the recognition they deserve!