Welcome, PSS Work
Life Balance Consultants!
This semester, the PSS Work Life
Balance Committee is launching the Work Life Balance Consultants program. It
offers employees the opportunity to talk to a knowledgeable
colleague—either within or outside their division—about their work-life
balance concerns and options at UMBC.
If you'd like to speak with a consultant feel
free to reach out them directly. If you have questions about the program
generally, contact any member of the PSS Work Life Balance Committee.
Knapp, aknapp@umbc.edu
Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Allison Jones, ajones9@umbc.edu
Division of Professional Studies
Carrie Sauter, csauter@umbc.edu
Interdisciplinary Studies
Cindy Greenwood, cindyg@umbc.edu
Center for Women in Technology
Dennis Cuddy, cuddy@umbc.edu
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Elle Trusz, elle@umbc.edu
Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis
Elle Everhart, eaever@umbc.edu
Department of Gender and Women's Studies
Sara Lerma Jones, slj@umbc.edu
Alumni Relations
Jenny O'Grady, jogrady@umbc.edu
UMBC Magazine
Mark Cather, markc@umbc.edu
Information Security
Ray Soellner, rays1@umbc.edu
Sue Plitt, plitt@umbc.edu
Career Center
Chuck Boddy, cboddy@umbc.edu
Parking Services