Session 1: Debunking Graduate School Myths
Monday, November 9, 2020 · 1 - 2 PM
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Do you know the GRE is optional for some graduate programs? Join us as we debunk common myths of Graduate School and let go of the false preconceptions of what graduate school entails.
Conversationalists will include:
- Dr. Earl Brooks, Assistant Professor of English & McNair Advisory Council Member
- Jen Spencer Heilman, Assistant Director, Internships & Employment, Career Center
- Michael Hunt, Director, McNair Scholars Program
- Dr. Laura Hussey, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program
- Monique Ransom, Associate Director, Office for Academic & Pre-Professional Advising
- Dr. Janet Rutledge, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
- Meika Samuel, Program Specialist, STEM BUILD, College of Natural & Mathematical Sciences