Subject: Call for GSA Senators and PPGSO members
Dear Public Policy Graduate Students,
For anyone interested in getting more involved on the UMBC campus beyond academics, there are two organizations you should consider joining.
1) The Public Policy Graduate Student Organization (PPGSO): PPGSO focuses on providing skills, resources, and networking opportunities to Public Policy students, while also serving as a faculty-student liaison.
2) Graduate Senate: The graduate senate is the shared governance arm of the Graduate Student Association (GSA). It is a forum where graduate students can discuss issues and make recommendations on matters that are important to graduate students at UMBC. Anyone can attend a Graduate Senate, however, those looking to be more involved should consider representing the School of Public Policy and/or the PPGSO as a Senator. As a Senators, you will
attend Senate meetings, held on the first Monday of every month from 5:00-7:00 PM (dinner is provided).
- represent the concerns and opinions of Public Policy/PPGSO,
- reports back on proceedings that affect Public Policy Students
If you have any questions about the graduate senate, please email Kiki Malomo-Paris (current senator). For further, information on PPGSO please email Sally Helms (
Thank you.
Kiki Malomo-Paris (PhD Public Policy student, senator, and PPGSO member).