Queer Alumni of Color Panel Discussion
Join us to meet some UMBC queer alumni of color for Q&A!
Monday, November 16, 2020 · 6 - 7 PM
On Monday, November 16th @6pm QPOC will be hosting a Queer Alumni of Color Panel Discussion + Q&A! We have invited several different UMBC alumni who identify as queer people of color to meet with us and discuss their experiences at UMBC, their career experiences since graduating, and some wisdom about their personal development. This is a great opportunity for us as young students to see what UMBC students in our community who came before us have been able to do professionally and personally.
The structure of the panel includes some prepared questions from the QPOC officers and then some time for everyone who attends to ask the panelists whatever questions you may have. The panel will be taking place on Zoom. The meeting link will be sent out before 6pm on the day of the panel. Our official flyer is also attached to this post.
We hope to see you all there! Our panelists are looking forward to meeting you all!