Do you recognize this flag? Comment below to win a prize!
Check out one of UMBC's many diverse cultural groups with their country's flag! Which country, located at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and Western Asia does this flag...
October 23, 2013
3:41 PM
Check out this article about the just in case app.
Hi everyone, Be sure to check out this week's story in Retriever Weekly about the just in case app. One of officers is quoted in this article. ...
October 17, 2013
6:30 PM
TRIGGER WARNING: Vulgarity, threats of sexual assault below
from "The Middlebury Campus" Middlebury College (Not So) Safe Space by Guest Contributor / op-ed (1) in Opinions / October 9, 2013 Editors’ Note: The following text contains vulgarity. ...
October 16, 2013
3:58 PM
This New CADVC Exhibit debuts on Oct. 24th!
Visibility Machines: Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen Opening Reception Thursday, October 24, 2013, 5 pm Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture Fine Arts 105, UMBC The Center for...
October 16, 2013
10:45 AM
Let's see who can name this one...
Its placement on the map should serve as a hint, though not too obvious a hint :-) Good luck!! Also, if you'd like to have your photo taken with your country's flag, please stop by...
October 15, 2013
10:35 AM
Today is Eid al-Adha, otherwise known as Tabaski
Eid al-Adha, known as Tabaski in West Africa, is a Muslim holiday to honor the prophet Ibrahim's (pbuh) acceptance to sacrifice his only son at Allah's request. At the last minute, Allah...
October 15, 2013
10:07 AM
About one of Our members and our Adviser, Professor K
Check out this article from earlier this year!
October 13, 2013
3:14 PM
Polls may underestimate homophobia and LGB population
Though the researchers point that the study's sample wasn't representative of the U.S. population, the findings are potentially groundbreaking. Pew Research Center reports: "Do conventional...
October 11, 2013
12:42 PM
How well do you know your international flags?
With around 200 [depending on your definition] countries in the world today, how many of these country's flags can you identify by sight? How many flags are represented in the UMBC student body? ...
October 10, 2013
2:17 PM
Creating Healthy Intimacy: 31 Days of Awareness
October is Relationship Violence Awareness Month For this year's Relationship Violence Awareness Month at UMBC, we're honoring the the experiences and stories of survivors of interpersonal...
October 1, 2013
8:41 AM