This past spring several of our staff and graduate student presenters left their positions at UMBC. So, this August we are offering information sessions to Student Affairs staff, faculty, graduate students and campus partners interested in serving as diversity and social justice education presenters for the 2016-2017 academic year. For more information on our group, please read below.
Program History & Invitation
Student Life's Mosaic Center staff introduced the Diversity Presenters group in Fall 2014. It's purpose is to develop diversity and cultural competencies as a key life and interaction skill set within our students. This group, an outgrowth of our formerDiversity Education Intern program, has helped us broaden our campus-wide diversityand social justice education efforts.
If you are interested in becoming a presenter, please complete our MosaicDiversity Presenter Interest Form. Student Affairs colleagues - Be sure to get approval from your direct supervisor before submitting your form.
- Our workshops and discussions are scheduled via the campus Google Calendar according to facilitator availability.
- Once oriented, our presenters are given access to our box file library of low, medium and high risk diversity and social justice exercises, simulations and other materials to put together training outlines tailored to our requestors learning goals and outcomes.
- Student Life's Mosaic Staff take workshop requests on a rolling basis throughout the year from UMBC student organizations, offices and departments.
- In 2016-2017, we hope to offer training to undergraduate students who will be paired with our faculty/staff presenters to help support their diversity awareness, knowledge and skill development.
- In future semesters, we envision offering workshops to the campus in the same fashion as our Safe Zone program sessions.