Welcome to UMBC Residential Life’s 2018 Housing Selection! This process will allow you to choose a room to live in on campus next year. Our system is fully online and will allow you to participate in Housing Selection using your smartphone, tablet, or any computer. Just apply, connect, and select to cover your bases!
The first 500 students to apply will receive a Residential Life hat – wow!
What’s the scoop for Housing Selection 2018…
- Commuters may participate fully in Selection! Must be part of a group for Residential Life housing – come to the Residential Life office in Erickson Hall 184 with a current residential group member to fill out a “commuter pass” form. May apply as an individual or as part of a group for Walker Avenue Apartments with 39+ credits. To apply for Walker simply fill out the on-line application for Walker.
- As in previous years, no 3-person groups will be able to participate in Selection. If you have a group of 3 you will need to find a 4th person through the Roommate Searching feature or by attending the Roommate Mixer hosted by the Resident Student Association (RSA). Students seeking to obtain a triple room should stop in at the Residential Life office to make the request at Erickson Hall 184.
- Facebook Live Session to let you get Housing Selection Info any time!
- Remember – as was the case last year 4-person groups do not receive priority for apartments – Housing Selection is based on your academic credits only as of winter session and your group credit average if you are selecting as a group.
- Apartment cut-off Res Life Apartment Hillside, Terrace and West Hill: Many students hope to be able to select an apartment. Remember that the typical apartment cut-off is approximately a 50 credit group average. That cut-off can vary depending on how many students are selecting apartments. So, for example, a group of four students who are freshmen this year who each obtained 15 credits as of winter session has a group credit average of 15. This group should not plan on obtaining an apartment with that group credit average.
- Apartment cut-off Walker Avenue Apartments: Most students with 39+ credits who apply to Walker will obtain an apartment through Housing Selection. Since each member of your group must have 39+ credits to apply for Walker the competition for apartments at that facility is somewhat less. So, for example, a group of rising juniors with 39 credits each as of winter session has a group credit average of 39. This group typically will be able to obtain an apartment if they have applied for Walker Avenue apartments.
- For assistance with Group Formation and using the Roommate Search feature watch this quick video: https://youtu.be/Ri7e5ELx-88