Resident Student Association (RSA) Spring 2018 Block Party, tomorrow, May 4, 2018 from 11:00 to 1:00pm, Erickson Field
Come out to RSA's Annual Block Party! They will have FREE Ice Cream, Bubble Soccer, Food, Zumba, Tie Dye, Puppies, and so much more!!
Make sure to bring your friends and stop by!
Food Truck Friday's, (tomorrow) 3:00 to 7:00pm
Intramural Battleship, may the fourth be with you...
Sand Volleyball Tournament
What’s the (T)ea?: Having Difficult Conversations Between Elections, Thursday, May 10, 4 - 5:30 p.m. in Commons 329
"What's the T?" a phrase originating from Black Gay Ball Culture, circa
1970-1989, that indicated someone was the "T"alk of the "T"own, hence the "T". "What's the T? - means "What's up? What's going on?" This is a monthly
co-facilitated discussion series geared to exploring social issues affecting our
society and various communities. This session will explore on how to gains the skills to have difficult and productive conversations surrounding our local, state, and national issues with SGA’s Between Elections .
For more great activities and event: