Thanksgiving Break Closing Information
Eight-month communities close for Thanksgiving Break on Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at 8:00 PM and reopen on Sunday, December 1, 2019 at Noon. Students in 8-month communities are expected to vacate and complete the below checklist to help ensure the overall health & safety of your room and personal belongings:
- Clean your bathroom and personal spaces well.
- Remove and dispose of all trash in a trash room or a dumpster.
- Turn the heat to a low setting.
- Unplug all appliances and extension cords from the wall, with the exception of refrigerators and fish tanks.
- Feed your fish and water your plants.
- Pack medications and other necessities you might need during break.
- Turn off water.
- Turn off lights and bathroom exhaust fans.
- Close and lock all windows and doors.
- Close blinds on ground floor rooms; leave blinds up on all other floors.
- Report facilities concerns to your RA or FIXIT (x53948).
Click here to view Thanksgiving Break Dining Hours: