Sports clubs across campus that were hoping to start the new semester at a sprint were in for a bitter disappointment when winter storm Kayla delayed the new semester by three days, and moved their whole semester game plan back.
Involvement Fest’s time slot change was monumental in the whole ordeal, putting it on a Friday, with less of a turnout at The Commons than normal and a foot of snow to limit student mobility increasing the problem.
“I can say that the snow really did interfere with the low attendance with Involvement Fest, one of our main times to talk to potential members,” said Cycling Club President Charles Griesser.
Cycling Club is also suffering setbacks due to poor road conditions and the current issue of traces of salt on the tracks.
Club teams with a varsity affiliate had their schedules delayed in order to accommodate the fact that the varsity teams were being delayed.
Men’s Lacrosse Club President Eugene Bosworth said, “It delayed us a day later [from first practice being February 1 to February 3] as varsity needed to make up practices for the days they missed because of snow.” The club also made sure to rectify this by getting in a day of conditioning in lieu of the missed day.
Fortunately, clubs that practice and meet outside the RAC were only affected by the delays to Involvement Fest. Otherwise, the various martial arts clubs such as Wushu, Aikido and Taekwondo all have been able to make their regular meeting times with negligible delay.
The post Winter storm Jonas affects spring club sports appeared first on The Retriever.