Dear GI Bill Student,
Over the past two weeks, VA has worked with Congress to preserve GI Bill benefits for impacted students during this difficult time. The Senate and House passed S.3503 and the bill will be headed to POTUS to sign, which will give the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) the authority to continue GI Bill payments uninterrupted in the event of national emergencies. The new law allows for VA to continue to pay benefits regardless of the fact that the program has changed from resident training to online training. Also, students will continue to receive the same monthly housing allowance payments that they received for resident training until January 1, 2021, or until the school resumes normal operations of resident training. VA is working to immediately implement the new changes to address current and future school terms to ensure students continue to receive their education benefits.
What should GI Bill Students know?
There is no action required from a GI Bill student. VA has scheduled several training sessions with all VA approved schools and training facilities over the next couple of days to provide further guidance. We will work closely with schools to ensure enrollments are accurately certified and processed timely.
We are committed to providing regular updates to you through direct email campaigns and social media about VA’s effort to implement these new changes.
If you have questions about your specific circumstance, please contact the Education Call Center at: 1-888-442-4551 between 8 AM and 7 PM Eastern Time, Monday-Friday.