“SEEQ Instructor Profiles by Mean” or Median report, provides the SEEQ survey results by Class and Instructor for a given term. Data can be queried by Organization, Subject, Course, Section and Instructor. This REX report mirrors the data in the Blue Instructor Report, but data are presented in a more compact format that prints more efficiently. PDFs of the Means reports are publicly available on the IRADS website at https://oir.umbc.edu/university-data/sceq-profiles/.
The “SEEQ Instructor Data Over Time” report displays the results of the ‘Overall’ section of the SEEQ survey for an Instructor, which includes questions 30, 31 and 32. Data can be queried by Begin Term and Instructor to Review. Data are reported for each course section taught by the instructor from the Begin Term to the most recent term available and compare the instructor mean on the three items with the Org, UMBC and Course Level means. This report may be useful for P&T review.
All three reports can be accessed by going to rex.umbc.edu, clicking on ‘Guided Reports’, and then navigating to the Census Data > Student Course Evaluations > SEEQ folder.