Sign up to get out & save trees from ivy- for class credit!
posted over 10 years ago
Edu 299: An action oriented BreakingGround class called "Save our Trees" still has space- just once a week, 1 credit course that gets you outside and gets your hands dirty in ridding our trees of ivy!
Wednesdays 2:30p.m. – 3:40p.m.
Course Description: We will explore the problems of Non Native Invasive (NNI) species on the UMBC campus, focusing particularly on English ivy (Hedera helix) which is strangling many older trees. This one credit course will challenge students to study the problem and protect UMBC trees. Students may seek information, form teams, develop work plans, and document their activities. Shared leadership and collaboration will characterize the course. We will make use of both digital and simpler technologies.