Below is a list of the students who submitted applications to run for SGA positions in the April election. This list is preliminary and not final (the names listed below will be checked for eligibility and may appear differently on the ballot, including their order).
All candidates must receive a number of votes equal to at least 5% of the number of total votes cast in the election. Candidates for the executive positions are elected by the Instant Runoff system, while candidates for Senate and Finance Board are elected by plurality. The top eleven vote receiving candidates will be elected to Senate. The top five vote receiving candidates will be elected to Finance Board. Write-in votes are permitted in SGA elections.
The election will take place through myUMBC on Monday April 17th, Tuesday April 18th, and Wednesday April 19th.
More information, including candidate profiles and scheduled Election Board-sponsored campaign events, will be posted soon.
All candidates will receive an e-mail message from the Election Board Chair with information about mandatory candidate information sessions and other important information.
President (3 candidates, 1 available position):
Collin Sullivan (Running Mate: Chiamaka Ugboh)
Joshua Massey (Running Mate: Markya Reed)
Richard DeShay Elliott (Running Mate: Maheen Haq)
Executive Vice President (3 candidates, 1 available position):
Chiamaka Ugboh (Running Mate: Collin Sullivan)
Markya Reed (Running Mate: Joshua Massey)
Maheen Haq (Running Mate: Richard DeShay Elliott)
Vice President for Student Organizations (3 candidates, 1 available position):
Jamie Brekosky
Lin DasSarma
Meghan Lynch
Treasurer (1 candidate, 1 available position):
Hannah Sadollah
Finance Board Representative (10 candidates, 5 available positions):
Asiyeh Daremipouran
Nikki Donboli
Jabari McLain
Fayokemi Ojo
Feyisanmi Ojo
Theresa Sheets
Yasser Siddiqui
Carly Socha
Crhistian Vasquez
Daniel Wang
Senator (27 candidates, 11 available positions):
Irene Azurmendi
Julia Byrne
Vincent Cheon
Felix Facchine
Donovan Garrett
Les Gray
Malcolm Heflin
Gerardo Herrera-Cortes
Malakhi Hopkins
William Hoxie
Lillianne Keplinger
Nitya Kumaran
Jonathan Lessels
Brendan Martin
Pat Michael
Tristan Mountcastle
Shiv Patel
Jaimee Pineda
Natalie Puig
Amritansh Rastogi
Nirav Shah
Nate Stewart
Wouhib Tamrat
Emily Thomas
Lucas Tiderman
Maria Tono
Manisha Vepa