This is a reminder that UMBC's annual Student Fee Forum will be held tomorrow - Wednesday, February 14 during free hour (12:00 PM - 12:55 PM) in the Meyerhoff Chemistry Lecture Hall. Spread the word and bring your friends!
myUMBC event:
In addition to tuition, every student at UMBC pays fees that support student life on campus. These fees are broken down into six categories: Athletics, Technology, University Commons, Transportation, Auxiliary Facilities, and either Student Activities (for undergraduate students) or Graduate Program (for graduate students).
Every year, UMBC engages students in a process to review each of these fees and assess how to increase and allocate their funding. Student input is a valuable component of the fee review process and the Student Fee Advisory Board makes a formal recommendation to approve or amend each fee on behalf of students.
Please come out, bring your friends, and share your opinion about proposed fee increases and allocations.