UMBC is undertaking a new initiative to change its branding. The “Honors University” brand is working well for UMBC at the undergraduate level, but it is not indicative of the institution as a whole. Instead, UMBC is now branded as a “community of inquiring minds”. For more information on branding and its impact on student life, please email as input is definitely encouraged.
Senate will be hosting a General Public Forum on Monday, April 15th at 5:35 p.m. where any student can bring concerns forward to the SGA Senate that are unrelated to the budget. If you would like to participate, please fill out this Google form:
The Student Administrative Academic Advising Committee has updated the “audit doughnut” which shows an accurate view of your degree audit. They are encouraging students to plan their classes and walk through registration in new ways. They are making the process for advising easier when you switch majors.
There will be a meeting with Assistant Chief Bruce Perry to discuss plans for student outreach to the campus police.
There is an upcoming meeting with a representative for an initiative to reduce UMBC’s STEM stigma.
Upcoming meeting for a Transfer Student Support Committee
Any questions that can be asked during a Town Hall meeting can be sent to Brandon Liu (