A new staff position within We Believe You has been created and student input is needed to help decide key components of the position. This survey gives students a way to voice their opinions on the new staff position being created to give care and support to survivors of power-based, interpersonal, and/or sexual violence.
We Believe You wants this position to help members of the UMBC community regardless of whether or not their experience(s) occurred at UMBC or while attending UMBC, and regardless of whether they wish to pursue a Title IX investigation.
This position came out of the recommendations made in all three Retriever Courage reports written last spring.
We Believe You is fiercely committed to ensuring this position is created and with input from as many students as possible, both undergraduate and graduate.
Please participate in the survey linked here!
Disclaimer: This form will collect emails in order to ensure only UMBC students are completing it, but this will be kept confidential and only accessible to We Believe You’s administrative team. The data will remain anonymous and be used to inform conversations about the creation of this position.