Samuel I. Rosenberg Fund Award$700
TO APPLY: Submit your resume, unofficial transcript and essay by
The deadline for application submission is Monday, February 19, 2018 by 5:00pm. No applications will be received after the deadline. Only complete applications will be accepted.
The Samson, Rosetta A., and Saddie Feldman Award$700
Established in January 1996 by Sadie B. Feldman in memory of her family, this award is given to a UMBC student (junior or senior) who has demonstrated, through community service and academic activities, an understanding of the responsibilities of citizenship.
Samuel I. Rosenberg Fund Award$700
Established in April 1995 by Samuel I. Rosenberg, this award is given to a UMBC student (any year) who has completed a public service-focused internship, with either a nonprofit or government organization, directly addressing a social challenge.
The scholarship award will be applied toward
tuition for Spring 2018.
TO APPLY: Submit your resume, unofficial transcript and essay by
5:00 pm on Monday, February 19th to The Shriver Center on
the main level of the Public Policy Building, or email the application to: Shirley Carrington at
In an essay of 250 words minimum (but no more than one page), please explain:
How has your public service-focused internship or service experience(s) impacted you as a person?
How has your experience(s) influenced your career and personal goals?
How has your experience(s) provided opportunity for continued engagement at UMBC and the broader community?
**Please be sure to submit a separate application if applying to more than one award**