Madeline Dement
Home town: Mechanicsville, MD
Majors: Global Studies and Political Science
Certificate: Honors College
Minor: Spanish
As a Sondheim Scholar, Madeline has deepened her passion for international development, Latin America, and global engagement. Madeline’s intellectual curiosity and openness to new experiences led her to study abroad in both Colombia and Argentina, and intern with Valens Global (where she subsequently participated in a fellowship) and Save the Children. Madeline has mentored several younger Sondheim Scholars who are also interested in international development, and she never turned down an opportunity to serve as a spokesperson for the Sondheim Scholars Program, speaking at public events and helping with other Sondheim Program activities. She has shown great dedication to Baltimore-area immigrants by volunteering as an ESL tutor at the Esperanza Center during all 4 years of her time at UMBC. Madeline has been recognized for her outstanding dedication and academic achievement as the recipient of several awards, including the Outstanding Scholar Award from the UMBC Global Studies Program, an Outstanding Senior Award from the Political Science Department, an Honors College Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, and an Outstanding Senior in the Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication Department’s Spanish Program.
Here are a few thoughts from Madeline about her time as a Sondheim Scholar:
What are you most proud of from your time at UMBC?
I’m proud that I did the very best to make the most out of my time at UMBC by taking advantage of various internship, service, and study abroad opportunities while successfully balancing my coursework.
What is your most memorable public service experience as a Sondheim Scholar?
My best public service experience by far has been the time that I’ve spent teaching English to adult immigrants at the Esperanza Center in Baltimore. I love being able to connect with a different student each week and teach them practical English skills that will measurably help to improve their new lives in the United States.
What was your favorite Sondheim event?
Participating in the Orioles/Catholic Relief Services 75,000 Meal Challenge at the Camden Yards with my fellow Sondheims, packing food to send to people in West Africa!
What is an important thing you learned about yourself at UMBC?