Nat'l STEMConnector Higher Ed Council Summit - UMBC invited!
Held at the Gallup World Headquarters, DC
Thursday, September 28, 2017 · 8 AM - 4 PM
Off Campus : Gallup World HQ
UMBC STEM Leaders,
You are invited to attend the National STEM Higher Education Council Summit
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
Gallup World Headquarters
901 F St NW, Washington, D.C.
The theme for the 2017 SHEC National Leaders Summit is The STEM Blueprint:
Driving Innovation in Higher Education. This Summit is for thought leaders
committed to preparing the nation’s best-educated, most competitive STEM
workforce through compelling relationships, collaboration and shared goals.
At this unique forum, STEM stakeholders from business and higher education
partners will provide best practices for aligning higher education with industry needs.
With the goal of meeting the nation’s demand for STEM graduates, participants will
share best- in-class STEM learning examples. Join us as we address some of the key
practices in higher education strengthening the STEM ecosystem through themes
including experiential learning, design thinking, innovative partnerships and career and
technical education.
Keynote Speakers:
- Dr. Nicole Smith, Chief Economist, Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
- Brandon Busteed, Executive Director, Education and Workforce Development, Gallup
- Dr. Richard Miller, President, Olin College of Engineering
- Send email to
- Use the subject line: UMBC STEMConnector RSVP for 9/28 Summit
- In the body, include: 1) Name, 2) Title, 3) STEM program with which you are affiliated at UMBC.
- Cc:
AGENGA attached in the documents section below.