We're excited to continue the Women in STEM discussion series we first launched in the Women's Center last fall. Due to your enthusiastic commitment to the events, it was a no-brainer to bring back!
We're excited to have Women's Center Advisory Board member and Biological Sciences lecturer, Cynthia Wager with us on Friday! Cynthia plans to discuss the importance of her being seen as a feminist in the STEM fields in addition to various other challenges and opportunities she experienced throughout her career.
All discussions will take place in the Women's Center on the 2nd Friday of each month. This week and in April, the discussion will take place at 12pm. Our March discussion will begin at 3pm. Below are the links to all 3 discussions. Let us know if you plan to attend one or more so we can make sure we have enough pizza and treats to go around the room.
This Friday at noon: https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/womenscenter/events/66589
March 8th at 3pm: https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/womenscenter/events/66592
April 12th at noon: https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/womenscenter/events/66591