The Choice Program hosts weekly College Nights at UMBC from 5-8pm for youth of local high schools in Baltimore City and County. College Night is led by 2 UMBC Student Coordinators who create and implement a curriculum that is exciting and challenging. Activities have included poetry slams, making slime, hosting a student athlete panel etc. The Student Coordinators are supported by student volunteers who are responsible for engaging the youth during activities. College Night starts with a dinner at True Grits, then a student organized activity, and ends with recreational time at the RAC. Each student volunteer will receive a free Choice t-shirt and connect with a variety of students of different majors.
What: The Choice Program College Night
Who: Inviting all motivated students who want to volunteer with youth ages 10-19 years old
When: Weekly Monday Nights from 5-8pm
Where: Every week we will meet at True Grits for dinner
Why: Baltimore City and County youth desire to connect with university students. Let’s build an equitable bridge from high school to college together.