Tutoring for the STEM LLC will be online via WebEx or by phone for the remainder of the semester. Access to the WebEx rooms and the schedule of each tutor are listed below, as well as on myUMBC events and in the STEM LLC Google calendar. Tutors will be available in the times listed. Please take advantage of this resource to help you with your classes.
Jacob Haines -- Mondays and Wednesdays 1-2 pm
ID: 649677107
Access code: 649 677 107
Max Bobbin -- Mondays and Wednesdays 4-5 pm
ID: 646800623
Access code: 646 800 623
Kofi Boahene -- Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-5 pm
ID: 645332222
Access code: 645 332 222
John Laporte -- Thursdays 10-noon
ID: 640471861
Access code: 640 471 861