Want to do something different then homework or watching Netflix? Check out the FinancialSmarts workshops below
Join us online for national Money Smart Week, April 6th-10th! FinancialSmarts at UMBC has put together a week of online financial literacy workshops as a part of national Money Smart Week! Studies show that students who attend financial literacy workshops exhibit higher levels of financial literacy.Here is a sample of our events;
Jeopardy! Financial Wellness, April 6th
CA$H CART, April 6
Starting Salaries, April 8th
Manage your Moolah, April 8th
Student Loans, April 8th
Loan Repayment Counseling, April 8th
How to Outsmart Your Bank: Presented by PNC, April 9th
Finc 150: Earn (Credit) While you learn, April 10th
As an added bonus we will be conducting raffle drawings for $25 Campus Cash for participants of specific events!