A 2016 Iowa State University study found that employers prefer recent college graduates who come equipped with strong oral communication skills – regardless of occupation. Employers ranked oral communication skills higher than visual and electronic communication skills. The reason is simple: people communicate more through speech.
While speech reigns as the most common form of communication, it’s hard to ignore the fact that not everyone likes to deliver an oral presentation, especially in a public setting, where even the smoothest talker can sometimes fall flat. But public speaking, whether you love it or hate it, actually has a lot of benefits. It can increase confidence, enhance storytelling, and improve the way you communicate with others.
This summer you can hone your skills or conquer your fears with SPCH 100 – Public communication.
SPCH 100 focuses on speaking in small-group and public address formats, while guiding you through the process of speech giving. Special attention is given to material selection, organization, outlining, word choice, development and delivery of visual aids, and listening skills.
SPCH 100 is a six-week course offered during summer session I.