Public art has become an essential feature to urban life. It has progressed from street art mislabeled as graffiti to a variety of sculptures, statues, and murals that convey the character of a neighborhood or city. Public art has recently become the focus of both city planners and nonprofit organizations because of its power to transform or preserve a community.
Public art and gardens are one aspect of urban life you will explore this summer in ANTH 311: Urban Anthropology.
Taught by Jana Rehak, ANTH 311 provides a broad perspective of urban life through cross-cultural comparisons that analyze the impact city living has on culture and social organization in non-western communities. Other social justice efforts in Baltimore that will be studied include housing opportunities provided by Habitat for Humanities, community health center Marian House, as well as the community food bank and garden provided by Massing Grace Lutheran Church.
ANTH 311 is a 4-week course offered during summer session I (as part of UMBC’s Discover Baltimore special program) and it fulfills the Social Sciences GEP. ANTH 311 is open to all majors. Prior SOCY or ANTH course prerequisite requirements will be waived for this class. For a waiver please contact Amy Barnes at
Classes will be held at the Lion Brothers Building in Baltimore. More information, including transportation options, can be found on the Special Programs website.