Did you know that the average human produces enough saliva in a lifetime to fill two swimming pools? Disgusting or Interesting? You decide. Did you also know that your DNA could stretch from the earth to the sun and back? Not once, not twice but 600 times. Thought those were cool? Winter Session 2019 has the perfect class for you!
BIOL 109: Intro to Modern Biology is a 3 credit, lab-driven biology course for non-science majors looking to to fulfill the university graduation requirement (GEP) of a science lab. The course includes a 75-minute lecture and 120-minute lab. Topics covered will include basic biological concepts such as the nature of DNA, heredity, human genetics and the process of mutation, as well as modern issues such as forensic analysis of DNA and blood, the biology behind cancer and genetic diseases, and others as determined by current events and interest.
The underlying goal of BIOL 109 is to emphasize that Science can be both interesting and enjoyable. And since BIOL 109 is a lab-intensive course, students will participate in hands-on activities through unique and creative experiments geared toward expanding their level of appreciation for the subject.
Get to know the Instructor:
Steven Caruso is a Senior Lecturer at UMBC under the Department of Biological Sciences. He earned both his Bachelor’s (1994) and Ph.D. (2002) from UMBC. Some of his research interests include phage biology, microbiology, microbial physiology, and genetics. Some of his teaching interests include science education, active learning, investigative teaching and creating an immersive lab experience. Learn more here.