Community in America - This summer, take advantage of a unique opportunity to document the stories and experiences of Nepali community members who have made Baltimore home while earning valuable credits. The Baltimore Field School: Documenting Stories of Migration represents a new collaboration between the American Folklife Center (AFC) at the Library of Congress and UMBC. Structured as an ethnographic field school, AMST 380 is a hands-on, practice-based course for students passionate about community collaboration and engagement.
Learn to conduct in-depth interviews with refugee community members, audio record the interviews, as well as the basics of photographic documentation and archiving resultant documentation. Students’ documented interviews and photographs may be preserved in the AFC Archives for future public and research access.
Classes will be held at the Lion Brothers Building in downtown Baltimore, with fieldwork occurring mainly in other areas of the city.
Class Details
Instructors: Nichole King (UMBC) and Michelle Stefano (Library of Congress)
Dates: May 28 - June 21
Location: Lion Brothers Building
Instruction Mode: In-Person
Credits: 3
GEP: Arts & Humanities
Also offered for Graduate Credit as AMST 680.