“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” - William Faulkner
So much of our modern history originates from the past, and Roman history has been among the most influential to our world. "Here in the United States, our system of government is modeled on ancient Athenian democracy, the ancient Roman Republic, and the ancient Germanic alþing or folcgemōt," writes Spencer Alexander McDaniel. And then there's architecture, literature, art, and religion - all have ties to the ancient Roman world. "Even the way we think has its origins in distant antiquity," says McDaniel.
It's safe to say that we would not be who we are today if it weren't for the ancient Romans. But just how much do you know about The Roman World?
Covering nearly a thousand years of Roman history, ANCS 202 will introduce students to aspects of Roman civilization, such as art and literature, religion and magic, domestic and foreign politics, gender and sexuality. Key Roman historical figures, events, and institutions will come alive in the accounts in translation of ancient authors.
ANCS 202 is a HYBRID course that fulfills the Arts & Humanities and Culture GEP requirements.
Class Details
Instructor: Danilo Piana
Dates: July 8 - August 16
Instruction Mode: Hybrid
Credits: 3