Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! The first Earth Day sparked the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts, and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Even though we all cannot not be physically together doesn't mean we can't celebrate this beautiful planet we live on.

Be a part of the global conversation and post on social media using the #EarthDay2020
Take action!

Check out some of virtual events and activities!
- Join a virtual webinar organizations are hosting:
- Tune in to Earth Day Goes Digital! It starts at 9 AM EST with live performances and speeches. Tune in to hear from world leaders like Pope Francis and famous scientist Bill Nye!
- UMBC Recreation is hosting the Earth Day 3K virtually on Wednesday 4/22. DM a photo of you participating to @umbcrec on Instagram with your name and email!
- To find more events happening around the world use this interactive map
- Check out the Earth Day graphics on the Earth Day social media tool kit
- Create art and poetry centered around our planet! Register as an Artist for the Earth to view and post artwork.
- Make your next meal plant-based to lower you ecological footprint
- Take the Ecological Footprint quiz to learn more about your impact
- Start a conversation with friends and family about climate change and the need for climate action
- Go to for a comprehensive list of all the actions you can participate in