Thanks to Katherine Fink for transcribing this session! Join the AASHE 2011 Transcription Project and help spread the great ideas presented at the conference!
Presented by Susan Powers
Vision for year-round sustainable food
- Aeroponic system
- heating and electricity from renewable resources
- anaerobic digester
Achieving this vision
- lab testing
- pilot scale facility
- business established
- larger pilot
- full scale implementation
- less total mass
- water sprayed on roots
Efficient Lighting system
- maximizing day lighting
- need supplemental lighting
- no over lighting
Food waste digester
- energy cabin
- wood pellet boiler
- solar thermal supplemental hot air heating
Integrated system
cheel->foodwaste-->anaerobic digester-->effluent/nutrients-->greenhouse-->food
Key points
- need new ideas for feeding our world
- high tech solutions
- enabling students to do projects