Volunteer at Rube Goldberg Competition
Volunteer Locally with High School Students!
Volunteer at the annual local Rube Goldberg competition! It is between the different SWENext sections at local high schools. This year it will be at Howard High school. You can volunteer for as much of the day as you can. Email dupont1@umbc.edu with any questions.
Volunteer Descriptions
Competition Room Volunteer
Report to Cafeteria
arrive 8:00am if able to for setup then
8:45am Meeting with Claudette cafeteria
9:15am-12:00am help teams with questions from, all machines must be setup by 11:15
Float around during competition and make sure spectators are not touching machines
1:20-2:20 Attend SWENext social if able, also need some volunteers to stay behind in cafeteria to make sure machines aren’t touched.
Find Claudette to find task
fill in where needed. Arrive between 8:00am and 10:00am whenever you can help. SWENext Social room from 1:15-2:15.
Judge room help and Score Keeper
Report to judges room
Arrive by 10:15am and setup
collect team machine descriptions from team room at 10:55,
Attend judges meeting.
Has laptop and excel sheet to record score.
Judges and Referees
Report to judges room
See judge agenda
Parent and Educator Room help
Report to Sue in PEP room
Setup Help
Report to Cafeteria or find Claudette
SWENext Social
Report to SWENext Social room 1:20-2:20
Wear name tag with engineering disciple shown and SWENexters may approach you to ask questions.
Be friendly and welcoming to SWENexters, if in cliques with other SWE members a SWENexter may not want to approach
Team Room Help
Hang out in student team room
Students may ask you questions about competition
Have agenda handy to answer time questions
Collect team machine descriptions, due at 10:50
Welcome Table
Greet anyone who comes into atrium
Sign in teams and have each team member fill out a name tag with name and team name
Know agenda and where rooms are to direct people where to go
No public before 11:20am
If parents come in with students send them to the PEP room
Only team members and team leads (teachers) allowed in cafeteria from 9:30-11:20
Clean-up Help
Make sure all classrooms, hallways, and cafeteria are left in clean original condition