TheatreCOM will be hosting its annual elections on Monday, April 23rd during its general body meeting in PAHB201!
We will be having elections for all of our available positions:
- President: Oversees the board and club, communicates with Commons staff and SGA, collaborates with other student theater groups, and represents the club to the rest of UMBC.
- Vice President: Oversees internal affairs, communicates with club members involved in productions to ensure that they are going smoothly, and assumes the role of President when they are absent.
- Treasurer: Manages the club's money and bank account, requests funds from SGA, and reimburses club members for purchases.
- Secretary: Sends emails to club with general updates, takes notes at meetings, manages the club's list serve, archives information, and helps the Publicity Manager promote events.
- Public Relations: Makes posters/banners/flyers etc. to promote our events, manages the club's Facebook group, and helps Secretary in keeping cub members informed about events via social media.
- Technical Director: Communicates with other UMBC clubs and staff to select appropriate build and performance spaces and dates, runs production meetings, oversees tech, helps coordinate any technical needs for shows, and is the representative of Theatre Technicians to the board.
If you plan on running for any positions please send us an email with a shot "why you should vote for me" blurb by 11AM on Monday!
If you've been involved in any of our shows and want to help shape TheatreCOM events for the next year, this is an amazing way to get involved! Email if you have any questions or concerns!