Confession Question
posted over 13 years ago
Hi all, I was wondering if there are times offered for Confession on campus. I'm new to the area and would like to go, just wondering when and if there is a time for Father to hear confessions before or after mass. Thanks!
I heard about mass on campus from my older sister who attended Franciscan U and met Fr. John a few weeks ago. I can't commit to making it to mass on campus every week because my boyfriend and I go to different Catholic churches in Baltimore, Catonsville, and Kent Island (we like to mix it up), but I am interested in attending/ helping out once a month or so. I used to be a lector and eucharistic minister before I moved out here, and my older sister told me that you may be short on lectors. I may attend mass tonight unless I end up going to St. Casimir's in baltimore. If not tonight, it will be soon. Hope to hear back soon and thanks in advance!
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