Hi yall, I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well. As you may have seen in the UMBC email, campus has decided to keep classes online for the remainder of the semester. I know there's a lot of events people were looking forward to, and it's a sudden change for everyone to process. Unfortunately, we won't be holding any meetings for the remainder of the semester, including our annual Invitational that was planned for April 25th. Because campus wants to keep in-person presence to a minimum, this also includes unofficial games.
However, we will be continuing with spring elections online! If you have interest in running for a position (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, or PR) please reach out to the officer board at umbchvzofficers@gmail.com with your interest! You can run for multiple positions and can hold any simultaneously except for President and Treasurer. Please let us know what you're interested in running for, as well as a short description of why. We'll be having our Q&A online, and are aiming to begin our voting period April 12th, with the officer board officially changing on May 1st.
From all of the officers, we're really sorry that we won't have a chance to meet again this semester. Please use this time to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, and we can't wait to play again in the future!