Dementia Forum- Resiliency: A Dementia Perspective
UMBC Alumni return to share their expertise in memory care. Dr. Crystal Watkins, MD, PhD, ’95, Biological Sciences, and Lisa Roeder, LCSW- C, CADDCT, ’83 Psychology & Social Work, will join Erickson School faculty, Dr. Louise M. Murray, EdD, MA, BSc, and Lauren Price, LCSW-C on 9.12.2020.
Participants in this forum will explore the concept of resilience and dementia. The speakers will provide an overview of dementia, a discussion of resilience among persons living with dementia and their care partners, and a synopsis of the role of the person-centered approach in promoting resilience. This forum is applicable to health care professionals, formal and informal caregivers, and advocates. Social Work and NAB CEU's available for a fee. All other participants can register for free.