Hey Everyone,
We’ve got some big updates for this semester!
The carpool time is changing from 7pm to 6pm! Climb times are still Mondays and Wednesdays, but now we will be meeting in Lot 23 at 6:00 PM!
Involvement Fest is this Monday, February 3rd from 12-2pm! Stop by if you can and tell your friends to check out our table in the Hobbies section.
We will be having an official Updates Meeting on Monday, February 10th during free hour (12-1). Everyone can pick up T-Shirts, talk more specifics about the spring break trip to Chattanooga, and talk to any new/prospective members from I-Fest!
(If you are ever at ET before this meeting and see Emily, Joey, Alek, or Daniil, feel free to ask for your shirt because they are currently being stored there.)
If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to officers! (Robert, Matt, Chandler, Joey, Emily)
Happy Climbing!