Pros-Cons: Plaintiff Witnesses
posted over 12 years ago
Andy Allen
- Pros
- Emotional Aspect. Lost spouse.
- Only person who wouldn't have to be sequestered.
- Main Story Witness for the Plaintiff. Helps show why Lee did what he did.
- Able to humanize Lee Allen's dishonesty.
- Can show that Neptune didn't ask for medical records.
- Cons
- Could Show Lee Allen's dishonesty. Only witness who could really talk about how Lee lied about experience & blood pressure.
- Not a lot of content minus the story.
- What does Andy do to show that Neptune was reckless?
Carrie Connor
- Pros
- Credibility. Ton of research and credentials brought to the table.
- Report can be admitted as evidence.
- Backup Cylinder? Wasn't found.
- Has the stories about the other two divers who got lost, makes Neptune not seem perfect.
- Didn't find any alcohol.
- Could be used as a story witness
- Cons
- Andy blames herself for Lee's death. Survivor's guilt?
- Section C: Neptune did nothing wrong once the divers got in the water.
- Has to say that Lee didn't get lost.
Frankie Fernandez
- Pros
- Story witness. Helps with lack of foundation objections.
- Alcohol.
- Thought that the ropes looked really similar.
- Cons
- Essentially coerced into testifying by Andy Allen.
- Good Character witness for Neptune employees.
- Has some eyewitness testimony that is pretty damming towards Allens.
Bailey Johnson:
- Pros
- Wrote Scuba 101. Tons of experience and expertise.
- Has a lot of points to hit. Draws attention to Buddy system issues.
- Recognizes what Neptune did right (weather). Helps credibility.
- Cons
- Owns leading company competing against Neptune. Pro Bono?
- Talks about the decision Reggie Rogers had to face. Only had 3 choices.
- Johnson and Connor directly contradict each other on weather.
- Has a worse diving record with easier dives.
- States that Lee Allen chose to swim to the second deck.
River Tran
- Pros:
- Says that Neptune's conduct underwater was inappropriate.
- Medical Credentials.
- Cons
- No scuba qualifications. Part of Water Sport Experts Association.
- Has no expertise when it comes to his opinions on what Neptune should have done underwater.
- Assumes Reggie Roger's oxygen intake.
(edited over 12 years ago)