Come learn more about mock trial and how to get involved! If you're looking for a college experience, mock trial is the place for you! We have our first recruitment info session on Wednesday...
Hello friends! I'm Sydney. I know that virtual classes and social distancing isn’t how you wanted to spend your time at UMBC, but there's still a way to have a meaningful college experience and...
Join UMBC's most successful academic sport!
Do you want to travel to interesting cities around the country? Great, we'll take you to Philadelphia, New York, Boston and more. Do you want to do speech, debate, or public speaking? Perfect,...
Come join UMBC's premiere speech and debate organization.
Are you interested in improving your public speaking skills, meeting new people on campus, and joining the most successful speech and debate organization at UMBC? If so, you should come to an...
Our Gritstarter fundraising campaign has gone live!
HELP US COMPETE! This past year, UMBC Mock Trial had its most successful season and we were able to compete at the National Championship in Los Angeles,...