What would help you to have a great resume?
Check out what these UMBC students are doing: They have an interesting project that involves surveying students (four...
February 8, 2013
11:46 AM
How-to session for writing the abstract/application
Finished some interesting original creative work, scholarship, or research? Ready to share it with others? Friday, February 8 at 12:00 p.m. in AC IV A 114 Workshop/work session on writing the...
February 7, 2013
2:32 PM
Undergraduate researchers explore their interests!
How did you find your mentor for your research, scholarship, or artistic project? My mentor, Dr. Gail Orgelfinger, was my professor for a Spring 2012 Honors Independent Study. She encouraged me to...
February 4, 2013
10:17 AM
Fund your creative work, senior thesis, or other research
Application deadline is March 4. Attend the workshop Tuesday, February 12 at 4 p.m. in AC IV A 114 for help in creating a strong proposal. The Undergraduate Research Award (URA) program funds...
February 4, 2013
8:17 AM
Monday, February 4: 12-1PM, ACIV-A Wing, 114
Undergraduate Research Awards provide up to $1,500 to undergraduate students to support their research or creative work with a UMBC faculty mentor on an original project. Students of all years...
January 29, 2013
3:23 PM
GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania
The GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania is proud to be offering eight 10-week paid summer research internships for undergraduate students. The focus of this NSF-funded REU Site...
January 29, 2013
10:44 AM
Carngie Mellon/University of Pittsburgh: Deadline Feb. 15
Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh have an exciting opportunity summer research experience for undergradates (REU) available for undergraduates. ...
January 29, 2013
9:42 AM
3/18 Deadline, Local Opportunity for Pre-Med Students
The Summer Urological Research Experience (SURE), is a great opportunity for students to move beyond the classroom learning experience to gather the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a...
January 29, 2013
8:52 AM
Undergraduate researchers explore their interests!
When did you start conducting research at UMBC? How did you find a mentor and project to work on? I started doing research at UMBC during the Fall 2011 semester. I had a very helpful Teaching...
January 28, 2013
12:34 PM
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
The summer training program is a six-week intensive curriculum designed to introduce talented undergraduate students to the skills and research methods that students need in preparation for...
January 23, 2013
2:44 PM