"Denise, do you have completed research that you want to refine and publish?"
"Yes," said the erudite researcher, who was interviewed while working on an important paper (and wearing a scarf).
"Denise, do you want to be a published author on your resume?"
"OH, absolutely," Denise answered. "I believe that would be advantageous to my academic career," she averred.
"Do you want to get feedback on your writing from a peer reviewed journal?"
"I hadn't thought about that," she noted. "I see now, though, how that might be helpful in refining my research, like you mentioned earlier."
"Oh, it definitely will."
"OK, great!"
Well, Denise, consider submitting your work to the UMBC Review!
Priority Deadline: August 4, 2017
Papers submitted by this date will receive special consideration and attention, including thorough editing, before they are assessed by off-campus reviewers.
General Deadline: September 15, 2017
For more information, submission guidelines, and to see prior editions of The Review, visit: